- as a embroidery stitch, to define or for outlining purpose.
- to hold fabric pieces together firmly–sew or repair seams.
- in place of machine stitching in handmade garments.
- to put a zipper in by hand.
- Thread the needle.
- Tying a knot at the end of the thread.
- Follow the photo below, first, pull the needle from point 1 ( see photo 1)
- Insert the needle at point 2 (Photo 1).
- Pass the needle under all layers of the fabric and forward twice the length of the stitch to point 3 (Photo 2), pulling the thread snug.
- Repeat. End result will be something like photo 2.
- Finnish off by tying a knot at the end.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Running/ Baste Stitch
Running or Baste Stitch , I can never tell the difference.
What is Running or Baste Stitch : its an in-and-out even stitch :
- to define the outline
- very fine gathering
- hand darning.
- Insert the needle into the fabric, taking three or four small, even, forward stitches
- Pull the needle through the fabric.
- Repeat.
- Finnish off by tying knots at the end.
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